
"Cave" – Alicja Klimek
ul. Skałeczna 5, Kraków – 26.08.2016 – 17.09.2016
"Cave" – Alicja Klimek
ul. Skałeczna 5, Kraków – 26.08.2016 – 17.09.2016
Born in 1991 in Olkusz, Poland. She studied painting at the Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland, 2011–2016. She was a student of Prof. Jan Matuszewski. In 2016 she received the highest grade for her diploma: Monidło. Odkrywanie tożsamości (Photo Stand In. Discovering of identity). As a student, she received a number of honour awards from the Board of the Faculty of Painting.
She has participated in a number of group exhibitions in Poland and Japan, including: Zielnik (Herbarium), Otmuchów Castle, Otmuchów, Poland, 2014; ANIMALS, the Regional Public Library, Cracow, 2015; the International Poster Triennial, Toyama, Japonia, 2015; Czas (Time), the Collegium Novum Hall, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 2016. Jaskinia in BB Gallery, Cracow, 2016, is her first individual show.
She creates paintings, drawings, posters, and wall paintings. She grew up around the Błędów Desert (the only desert in Poland) and many of her paintings are inspired by desert landscapes or the symbol of desert. Painting means to her “a constant discovering of our own identity, as well as discovering of the world”.