
"Tapestries" – Marcin Litwa
ul. Skałeczna 5, Kraków – 29.06.2016 – 6.08.2016
"Tapestries" – Marcin Litwa
ul. Skałeczna 5, Kraków – 29.06.2016 – 6.08.2016
The sky and its colours – changing, impermanent, with a rich range of colours and shades – inspired me to "weave" glass tapestries. I created a collection that reflects my admiration for the sky.
I used the principles of traditional crafts of woven tapestries, adapting them to work with glass. Glass tubes filled with coloured powder, "laced" with colourless rods, which, reflecting the light, affect our perception of colour.
The glass tapestries change as does the sky. Depending on the angle of incidence of light and the point from which we see the work – every time they look different. The colours of the "fabric" I have made will astonish the viewer with the variety of shades – it is the light that makes their outstanding beauty.
Graduated from the Wroclaw Academy of Artistry and Management, 2008 and from the Ceramics and Glass Faculty at the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław, 2010.
Since 2010 he has been working in the art studio created for one of Wrocław's developers. He designs and makes works from glass and ceramics. He also designs jewellery.
He has participated in 9 group exhibitions in Poland, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, and Sweden, such as: the Stanislav Libensky Award 2011, Prague; Biennale Internationale du Verre 2013, “Reflexions”, Strasbourg, 2013; “Talents 2016”, Monachium.