
"re-DIGITAL" – Natalia Kopytko / Diploo Studio
ul. Skałeczna 5, Kraków – 12.09.2015 – 26.09.2015
"re-DIGITAL" – Natalia Kopytko / Diploo Studio
ul. Skałeczna 5, Kraków – 12.09.2015 – 26.09.2015 – opening of the exhibition: 11.09.2015, 6 pm
“Creating forms that are pretty, interesting, weird, funny, useful, and completely useless – this is what we like to do most. We are inspired by memories of childhood, the world of fantasy, and nature...
It is very important for us to create our own original style. It’s not easy, but we have worked hard to achieve it...”
Natalia Kopytko and Marcin Sipiora, acting as Diploo studio, don’t copy and don’t imitate. They create independent objects and ideas: distinctive and expressive.
Kopytko and Sipiora worked for nearly a year on the installation "re-Digital", gathering inspiration and information.
“Today's world is ‘woven’ with information of differing levels of importance for the individual. This forces us to receive selectively, for evaluation, giving a momentary feeling of safety and security in the choices made.
Nobody is able to tell us how well and safely we have chosen, as they do in adverts. And this, among other things, is our job.”
Digital – recording our thoughts and feelings in zeroes and ones. A system of characters in which sooner or later there will be errors...
Re-digital?... Welcome to the exhibition. Anita Bialic
Graduated with honours from the Faculty of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, 2007. Since 2010 she has, along with Marcin Sipiorą, been running Diploo studio – their own ceramics studio. In 2014, she began doctoral studies at the Faculty of Arts of the Pedagogical University of Cracow.
She is interested in pop culture. She creates objects with different materials, and short experimental films. In 2014 she participated in Gary Baseman’s "Mythical Creatures" project.
In her free time she watches cartoons.